Monday, November 16, 2015

Hukuoka Prefecture (福岡県)

In this week, I'm going to introduce Fukuoka Prefecture in Japan.  Fukuoka is situated In the northern extremely of Kyushu. Also, Fukuoka is Kyusyu's largest and one of Japan's ten most populated cities.

I often heard that food in Fukuoka is really good, so I researched what is popular food in there. There are open air food stands in Fukuoka which is called "Yatai(屋台)" in Japanese. Yatai is the city's best known symbol.

We can enjoy typical dishes at Yatai such as grilled chicken skewers(yakitori) , hot pot (oden) and most famous local noodle dish "Hakata Ramen". Hakata Ramen is what I really want to eat in Fukuoka!!!

This is Yakitori ↓↓

This is Oden ↓↓↓

And this is Hakata Ramen!!

Hakata Ramen featuring relatively thin ramen noodles in a pork bone based soup ( Tonkotsu). Also there are various alcoholic drinks in Yatai. I'm sure that  Yakitori and  alcohol must be a good combination!!!! I'm 20 years old now so I can drink alcohol in Japan!!

The Yatai is a great place to get in touch with the locals (: You don't have to care about that you can't speak Japanese because Japanese people already know that!!!! They must try to speak English. lol

Yatai can generally seat about seven or eight people and provide an atmospheric outdoor environment to enjoy various foods that are generally simple and filling.

The best place to find Yatai is on the southern end of Nakasu Island where is located in the middle of
the city. Nakasu island has a  long row of around 20 yatai that are attractively situated along the water.

This is inside of Yatai's image.

Oh don't forget that Yatai normally open at 6pm and close at around 2am except the weather is bad.

Thanks for accessing my blog!!

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