Friday, October 9, 2015

Iwate Prefecture (岩手県)

In this week, I am going to introduce Iwate Prefecture where I have never been to.  Iwate Prefecture is located in the Tohoku area of Honshuu island. The red area is Iwate Prefecture.

 Morioka is the capital city in Iwate Prefecture. Morioka city doesn't have many sightseeing spots but there are various styles of noodle. Then I really want to eat "Wanko Soba".
"Wanko Soba" as pictured above is a style of Japanese soba noodles. This well-known as traditional dish originated in the hospitarity spirit. Staff at a restaurant give guests the opportunity to eat and savor lots of freshly-boiled noodles.
The first bowl is eaten plain and server will keep topping up your empty bowl, so that there is a tall stack of empty noodle bowls appears front of the eater in the picture. There are not much soba in each bowl. The average for women is 30-40 bowls, while men average about 50-60 bowls.

I also want to visit Iwaizumi Town in Iwate Prefecture. Iwaizumi Town has Ryusendo Cave which is one of the three great limestone caves in Japan and a national natural monument. Ryusendo Cave is anything but small, the portion of the cave which has been explored stretches over 3100 meters. We can take tour and it takes about 30 minutes and we can see the length of the cave but also up several flights of stairs right into the middle of the stalactites.

We can easily see deep into the underground lakes and the water is really clear. The walking path shows off all of the points of the cave as well, including narrative signs along the way. The temperature inside the cave is cool, making it a perfect stop for hot summer days!!! I suggest you to visit there in July and August because it is summer season in Japan,

I hope my blog helps your traveling plan (;
Have a good day!!


  1. I love to eat soba!!! I hope to go there. Thank you for sharing :)

  2. Honami,

    Amazing post! I hope to visit Japan one of these days. When time and money permits, I hope to travel to a lot of places and this will definitely make my list :)
