Saturday, October 17, 2015

Sizuoka Prefecture (静岡県)

Hello guys.
In this week, I am going to introduce about Sizuoka Prefecture.

Sizuoka Prefecture is located in the Chubu region of Honsyu and a medium sized city situated halfway between Tokyo and  Nagoya. Actually I have never been to there. The reason why I choose there was that Mt.Fuji is located in there.
I think many American people have heard or know Mt. Fuji but they might not know where the Mt. Fuji is located. Mt. Fuji stands on the border between Yamanashi and Sizuoka Prefecture and we can be seen from Tokyo and Yokohama, especially if the weather is good and on clear days. Shizuoka has a unique climate compared with most of Japan, it never get’s very cold and soon warms up in the Spring. The water is very pure as the streams flow from Mount Fuji.

You can see the green tea plantation from the picture above. Shizuoka accounts for 45% of Japan’s overall tea production, and the prefecture is at the leading-edge of research on the benefits that can be obtained from green tea, so you can enjoy drining green tea. I want to climb the Mt.Fuji and drink deliciious green tea at the top of Mt.Fuji.

Thank you for visiting my blog!!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Iwate Prefecture (岩手県)

In this week, I am going to introduce Iwate Prefecture where I have never been to.  Iwate Prefecture is located in the Tohoku area of Honshuu island. The red area is Iwate Prefecture.

 Morioka is the capital city in Iwate Prefecture. Morioka city doesn't have many sightseeing spots but there are various styles of noodle. Then I really want to eat "Wanko Soba".
"Wanko Soba" as pictured above is a style of Japanese soba noodles. This well-known as traditional dish originated in the hospitarity spirit. Staff at a restaurant give guests the opportunity to eat and savor lots of freshly-boiled noodles.
The first bowl is eaten plain and server will keep topping up your empty bowl, so that there is a tall stack of empty noodle bowls appears front of the eater in the picture. There are not much soba in each bowl. The average for women is 30-40 bowls, while men average about 50-60 bowls.

I also want to visit Iwaizumi Town in Iwate Prefecture. Iwaizumi Town has Ryusendo Cave which is one of the three great limestone caves in Japan and a national natural monument. Ryusendo Cave is anything but small, the portion of the cave which has been explored stretches over 3100 meters. We can take tour and it takes about 30 minutes and we can see the length of the cave but also up several flights of stairs right into the middle of the stalactites.

We can easily see deep into the underground lakes and the water is really clear. The walking path shows off all of the points of the cave as well, including narrative signs along the way. The temperature inside the cave is cool, making it a perfect stop for hot summer days!!! I suggest you to visit there in July and August because it is summer season in Japan,

I hope my blog helps your traveling plan (;
Have a good day!!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Hokkaido (北海道)

This is my first post of my blog. I am going to introduce many cities in Japan every times in this blog. I choose the second largest Japan's island "Hokkaido" where is northernmost of Japan's 47 prefectures.

Actually I have never been to Hokkaido before but I have many friends who lives in Hokkaido. I want to visit Aoi Ike (Blue Pond) where is near the hot spring town of Shirogane Onsen. The blue pond is deep blue color which it owes to natural minerals dissolved in the water. The place, blue pond recently became popular and many tourists visit there. Tourists suggested that it is better to visit there especially sunny day. This is a picture of Aoiike. It is really beautiful isn't it?

I also want to visit  Noboribetu town.  There are Noboribetu Jikoku Dani in that area. "Jikoku Dani" means "Hell Valley" in English. It is main source of Noboribetsu's hot spring water. This is a picture of  "Hell Valley".


In middle of October is beautiful autumn season in Hokkaido, Japanese travel guide said. After you visit the Gikoku Dani,  you can follow walking trails and about 20 or 30 minutes later, you will get to Oyunuma and flowing out of there is a river called Oyunumagawa where we can enjoy an "Asiyu" which is a natural foot bath. The water from the river is hot, Hokkaido is a cold place so Asiyu will keep you warm. 

I also wanted to enjoy high quality and freshness sea food in Hokkaido too. Anyway I hope that this blog will help your traveling in Hokkaido.