Monday, December 7, 2015

Kyoto Prefecture (京都府)

 In this week, I am going to introduce about Kyoto Prefecture (:
Kyoto is one of my favourite places as well!!
I think many tourist visit Kyoto.

Kyoto is located Kansai region of the island of Honsyuu.


There are many temples exist in Kyoto and I want everyone to visit "Kiyomizudera". "Kiyomizudera" is literally means "Pure Water Temple" which is one of the most celebrated temples of Japan. Actually, the temple was added to the list of UNESCO world heritage sites in 1994.

Kiyomizudera is best known for its wooden stage that juts out from its main hall, 13 meters above the hillside below. The stage affords visitors a nice view of the numerous cherry and maple trees below that erupt in a sea of color in spring and fall, as well as of the city of Kyoto in the distance. The main hall, which together with the stage was built without the use of nails, houses the temple's primary object of worship, a small statue of the eleven faced, thousand armed Kannon.

This is a picture of Kiyomizudera in Spring season.


And this is in Autumn season.

It is really beautiful isnt it?
I couldn't visit Kiyomizudera for a long time.
I will visit there when I go back to Japan in this winter but actually I wanted to visit there in Spring and Autumn season.

When you visit Kyoto, I want you guys to buy this


This is Green Tea Baumkuchen. It is really tasty and not too sweet. You can buy this at Kyoto station !!